Lookalike Discovery

Find the most similar business entities powered by the world's leading AI for contextual search

How does it work?

There are over 50 million companies in the world, but sometimes you just need the few hundred or thousand of what you're looking for.

After months of experimentation, we discovered the best way to find what you're looking for is to follow your examples.

Try our three-step solution!

  • Step 1  Share what your company does, such as your website, description, or marketing material

  • Step 2 — Share some example websites you want to find lookalikes for (preferably 3 or more)

  • Step 3 — Get 1,000s of the most similar lookalikes to your example websites

  • A marketing automation company found 80+ precision manufacturers in the US that perfectly fit their ICP

  • A carbon credits marketplace got 340+ qualified leads for their new product

  • A restaurant management startup discovered 200+ restaurants in New York just like their design partner

  • An outdoor goods marketplace found 230+ ski retailers and 35+ ski manufacturers for its initial launch

Example Use Cases

Our users have done thousands of searches with our lookalike discovery engine. They've searched for:

Software: data vendors, startups,
Trades: HVAC servicers, plumbers, electricians
Service: senior homes, car repair shops, logistics providers, BDR agencies, conferencing
Retailers: ski retailers, furnature liquidators, restaurants
Finance: wealth managers, VC firms
Manufacturing: CNC machining, pharma devices

Individual Subscription

$80/mo regular price
$20/mo launch special!
Sign up now!
  • Unlimited searches!
  • Search from 50M+ companies worldwide!
  • Access to 200M+ individuals (coming soon)!
  • Free for the first 7 days!